Why Experimentation Equals Career Acceleration

Marshall Atkinson
July 3, 2024

As an artist and former art director, I've explored various AI tools, but Midjourney's results are unmatched.

My lifelong fascination with discovery and experimentation has shaped my career. The "What happens if…" principle guides my learning and innovation approach.

My experience with Midjourney (MJ), an AI image creation tool, exemplifies this. As an artist and former art director, I've explored various AI tools, but MJ's results are unmatched. Initially, I conducted daily experiments to learn the platform, eventually sharing the outcomes on social media. You can view these experiments on Instagram (@marshallatkinson). This exploration led to teaching others how to efficiently use Midjourney with the mindset of a professional creative.

Some Facts About Me

From 1990 to 1992, while pursuing a master’s in Architecture, I started a t-shirt company to avoid student loans. The artwork was manually created for camera-ready production. However, my introduction to the Macintosh computer during Christmas break was a game-changer. Self-taught in Photoshop and other design software, I left architecture for a role as an art director, eventually becoming part of the leadership team in one of the U.S.'s top t-shirt printing companies.

My passion for teaching led to conducting trade show classes, creating a popular industry blog, authoring several books and hundreds of industry magazine articles, podcasts, and YouTube shows with millions of viewers. In 2018, I co-founded Shirt Lab, an educational event series, and Shirt Lab Tribe, a mastermind group.

Why Midjourney?

In the early 1990s, the Mac's introduction changed my life's direction. I was blown away by the idea that I could use a tool to increase my creative speed.  Similarly, AI now feels like a pivotal tool for inspired innovation. As with early computing, early adopters of AI, like those using AI tools for graphic design, can have a distinct advantage. Among AI tools, Midjourney stands out for its exceptional image-creation capabilities.

For this reason, if you are a professional creative, you must get ahead of the curve and discover how Midjourney can accelerate your design thinking.

This AI Institute Course

The Midjourney course I've developed for the Ai Institute is designed to enhance your skills in Ai image creation. The course combines information, best practice techniques, and live sessions to optimise your learning experience.  

In today's fast-paced creative industry, quickly mastering Midjourney will allow you to become more effective with your time, solve creative challenges faster, and take a significant leap in your career that will redefine your creative horizons. Don't just follow the path of innovation - lead it!

Midjourney for Designers Course - Click here for more information.

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